As we transition into the new year, I have faith in our ability to learn and grow to survive. So, with that, here’s the top 5 things in education that I am excited to see happen in 2012:
1. The successful execution of the new plan of the NEA Commission on Effective Teachers and Teaching, specifically the Novice, Professional, and Master teaching groupings. I think so much can be done when we get educator-practitioners on board with change.
2. Based on the rigorous standards developed by charter school authorizors, the closure of poor performing charter schools and educational capacity-building in those middle- and high- performers who show promise.
3. Increased cooperation between unions and education reformers to develop a system that supports, respects, and rewards good teaching. Less fighting, and more systemic progress.
4. An improved economic economic climate for educators: fewer teacher-layoffs, increased youth employment, more available grant monies, and the like.
5. A reduction in the dropout rate, now that successful programs like CityYear and Communities in Schools are research-based, nationally-recognized models with additional funding for expansion. I’d like to hear it announced on the news, the same way Arlington, VA just posted 0 homicides.
There are many additional things I am working to see happen within education for 2012–high-quality educational TV programming, for one–but I’m going to wrap my heart around these five and look for the best!