If you love education, you should really watch this program. It gives a visual look and multi-sided perspective on Michelle Rhee’s reign in DC. It misses some of what DC has learned in the aftermath of the Rhee reform efforts, but it is still worth seeing to see and hear the voices. I also always think that its good to know what people are watching and talking about.
And, if you haven’t read the Brill book, Class Warfare, you should really check that out. But you have to read the whole thing, as Brill sets up his case, and then takes a sharp turn at the end—a necessary one, if you have ever taught in the public school system.http://www.amazon.com/Class-Warfare-Inside-Americas-Schools/dp/1451611994
Here is a weighty review on the book :http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/21/books/review/class-warfare-by-steven-brill-book-review.html?pagewanted=all
And in celebration of today, I’d like to say that I’m thankful for
also very, very thankful for all the teachers who have stood at the front lines in our classrooms-not just for two years, but day after day. I remember what this felt like.
When we tire of the battle and the chalk dust starts to settle, it will take all of us to straighten out our classrooms.